[Dev] 2.0.0-beta1 - About Us
Posted: Thu 11. Sep 2014, 20:27
This release is a prerelease with known issues and planned features.
It runs on phpBB 3.1.0-RC4-dev.
Github: https://github.com/Crizz0/phpbb3-simple-imprint
You can change the text of the "about us" page within the ACP.
The extension adds a link to the footer, a link to the breadcrumb navigation, a link to the who is online and adds a ACP editor to the about us page.
- prosilver is supported
- english
- german
- german (formal honoforics)
Download: https://github.com/Crizz0/phpbb3-simple ... .0.0-beta1
It runs on phpBB 3.1.0-RC4-dev.
Github: https://github.com/Crizz0/phpbb3-simple-imprint
You can change the text of the "about us" page within the ACP.
The extension adds a link to the footer, a link to the breadcrumb navigation, a link to the who is online and adds a ACP editor to the about us page.
- prosilver is supported
- english
- german
- german (formal honoforics)
Download: https://github.com/Crizz0/phpbb3-simple ... .0.0-beta1